Harry Potter as Children Literature

              Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling has made an immense effect on the culture. People were talking that people are not reading but when Harry Potter published, people were in long cues for purchasing the books. It has world of fantasy and so people considered it has children’s literature. It has many elements through which we can say that Harry Potter is children’s literature.

             Rowling has used very simple language in these books so readability increases. Children can easily read and comprehend the books. Readability is important part of children literature which these books are able to give. So the language is not barrier for children. Second is that children don’t like the books which have perspective of adults. In these books we have children as main characters and narrative follow the children. The hero of the books grows with the people who are reading it. So it keeps the connection with readers. Characters of the books are portrayed same as real people. They don’t represents only good or only bad. They are not extreme in any way. They are with virtue and also with flaw. It also gives moral lessons to the children so they can get something more than only entertainment.

            Apart from all these things fantasy world makes children to give attention to these books. Magic, invisibility cloak, people with full of mysterious abilities, flying things as well as people, all those magical spells and many more makes it fantastic children literature. With all these things, Rowling has not forgot to give height of real literature. With all these fantasies she has woven social and political satire, power struggle and make her stand strongly and firmly. So with fantasies of magical world Harry Potter books also has harsh reality of present society.

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